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美国《Forbes 400》杂志专访美乐家范德士总裁译文
大部份的美乐家事业代表在辛勤工作时,也听从范德士的忠告:要让生活保持简单不负担。拉斯韦加斯的Cathy Blandino,寄给他一个包裹,里面是她36张被剪碎片的信用卡。在公司收入的帮助下,五年内还清高达64,000美元的信用卡债。

Forbes 400
If You Believe
Phyllis Berman, 10.11.04
Put your faith in thrift, hard work andMelaleuca's household products and you can better your lot in life. Also FrankVanderSloot's.
Frank L. VanderSloot sells items likeClassic Tooth Polish ($3 a tube), Replenex (90 glucosamine pills for $10) andNicole Miller Timeless Age Defying Serum ($18 a bottle). He doesn't hit theroad himself to ring doorbells. At 56, his sales days are far behind him. Heleaves the pitching to an army of part-time hucksters who sell these and 350other household and "health" products for Melaleuca, his privatelyheld firm in Idaho Falls, Idaho.
Melaleuca is a pyramid selling organization, built along the lines of Herbalifeand Amway. Vendors get commissions on the products they sell and also onproducts sold by vendors they recruit. From a near-standing start 19 years ago,VanderSloot has built his firm up to an expected $620 million in volume thisyear, roughly half of that to be paid out to the vendors as commissions. A fewof them make a very good living off Melaleuca; most do not. Enough of the moneylands at the top that VanderSloot's 50% share of the business, we estimate, isworth $700 million.
"This is not a get-rich-quick scheme," says the entrepreneur,referring to what his sales force can make, though he insists that the incomeof a hard-working "marketing executive" can still "make a realdifference to a family earning $30,000," he says.
Such talk sounds patronizing--until you realize that VanderSloot seems tobelieve his own sermon. Ever since he took over what was then a small andpoorly managed company in 1985, he has preached (and practiced) frugality: Livewithin your means, he frequently tells his sales force, pay off your debts,think twice about that new car. You see it reflected in the 36,000-square-footheadquarters, a two-story concrete affair (and former hardware store) in astrip mall. And, in a departure from many multilevel marketing schemes,VanderSloot is insistent about not burdening new recruits with huge startupcosts or a garageful of inventory. Everyone buys a $29 kit, crammed with salesmaterials for demonstrations as well as VanderSloot's motivational tips, andsigns up to buy a minimum of $45 a month worth of Melaleuca wares--from a $2Hot Shot, a breath spray, to a $30 bottle of ProVec CV, a grape seed extractthat supposedly reduces LDL, the bad cholesterol. (VanderSloot says anyone canopt out of the $45 commitment.) Most of the items have a health orenvironmental flavor to them, like sunscreen with Vitamin E or phosphate-freedetergent.
VanderSloot is pretty up-front about how tough it is for most salespeople toearn any money. And unlike, say, Amway, Melaleuca tells its new recruits thatthey're starting out as customers on the bottom of a towering pyramid. Thereare approximately 150,000 of these participants, buying the soaps and potionsfor themselves but not yet making any significant sums from their 7%commissions (350,000 people are pure customers). As they move up the rungs,though, they can see some revenue, because they get 7% as well on sales byvendors they have recruited (the chain of commissions extends to seven levels).It appears that there are 30,000 or so serious players near the bottomaveraging $1,750 a year in commissions.
The big bucks, of course, go to those who sign a large number of disciples whogo on to recruit other vendors. Senior directors, as they're called, have 650customers in their network, of whom 25 or so are actively recruiting. Executivedirectors claim 2,400 or more customers, with perhaps 90 of them on theproselytizing trail. This crew of veterans, of whom there are 359, can expect$186,000 a year in commissions plus $1,000 a month from Melaleuca toward theirautomobile costs. Leading producers: three presidential directors who gotcommissions topping $1 million in 2003. VanderSloot thinks five people willscale those heights this year.
Before VanderSloot bought into the company, it subsisted on a handful ofproducts tied to the melaleuca, or "tea tree" of Australia.Discovered in New South Wales in 1922, the melaleuca sprouts leaves thatsupposedly have antiseptic and analgesic properties. Colleagues at CoxCommunications, where VanderSloot was a regional vice president, were soskeptical of his move that as a parting gesture they set up a tree and strungtea bags from it.
VanderSloot soon discovered the company's putative 80% ownership of the teatrees in Australia was really more on the order of 5%. Moreover, Melaleuca'sclaims about the health benefits of oil extracted from the leaves of the treeswere a bit shaky. And distributors were griping about being forced to purchaselarge amounts of inventory that piled up in their garages.
VanderSloot shut down the company, purchased its inventory, trademarks andproduct recipes and rechristened it Melaleuca. Half his 1,000 distributorsquit. Reason: They couldn't pass along tons of inventory to salespeople belowthem in their networks, thereby depriving the earlycomers of quick profits."At the beginning it was just me and some ladies in the office," herecalls.
To rebuild the business, VanderSloot created an R&D department that evolvedinto a 20-person staff, including three Ph.D. chemists. The company has rackedup nine U.S. patents--from inhibiting adenosine (an enzyme that preventsfat-burning) in an energy bar to the use of benzophenone in a shampoo toprotect hair from ultraviolet exposure. VanderSloot insists his salespeoplealso tout the price advantage of his products. Melaleuca's detergent, forinstance, costs 16 cents per load versus 28 cents for Tide.
There have been bumps. In 1991 the Idaho attorney general's office investigatedMelaleuca because some of its vendors were claiming that the business had theseal of approval of the Idaho attorney general's office, when it hadn't. Thecompany signed an assurance of voluntary compliance, promising to police itssales force. Since then that state office has received 120 complaints aboutMelaleuca, mostly gripes from customers who didn't realize their credit cardswould be automatically debited $45 a month or thought the company too slow tocredit their accounts for returned products. The AG's office says it hasresolved them all.
A different problem emerged in 1998. When sales flattened, VanderSloot did somedigging and discovered that some senior directors were living off theirresiduals and doing little in the way of recruitment. Result: a new policy thatreduced payments to those who didn't either bring in new converts or helpothers do so. Since then, company revenues have grown at a compound annual rateof 12%.
Most Melaleuca salesfolks work hard and listen to VanderSloot's advice aboutcleaning up their lives. Cathy Blandino of Las Vegas recently sent him apackage containing the shredded remains of her 36 credit cards, on which sheowed $64,000, all paid off over five years with help from her company earnings(she scaled back her efforts and brought home $5,800 last year). "We couldnever have done this without Melaleuca," she added in a note.
VanderSloot reinforces the message. When one of his sales staff pays off ahome, he flies to the nearest airport, shows up and throws a mortgage-burningparty. Over the last four years he and his wife, Belinda, went to 31 suchevents. That's on top of all the incentives to spur sales, from $2inspirational tapes and an annual Fourth of July party in Idaho Falls (thelargest display of fireworks west of the Mississippi) to the lure of car paymentsand exotic vacations with Frank and Belinda for the biggest producers.
Corny though they are, these gestures go the heart of VanderSloot's values:hard work, decent rewards and simple living. Growing up on a tiny farm inCocolalla, Idaho, VanderSloot, a devout Mormon, milked cows and fed thechickens while his father worked all week on the railroad. He put himselfthrough Brigham Young University by selling beef jerky in bars and conveniencestores. He spent 15 years as a middle manager at ADP and Cox. Though he is arich man today, VanderSloot is only now allowing himself a few indulgences--aherd of Black Angus (see sidebar, p. 90) and a recently built10,000-square-foot, 17-bedroom home (cost: $1.5 million).
He sure doesn't spoil any of his 14 kids, ranging in age from 14 to 33.VanderSloot signs a contract with each one detailing his expectations. Startingat age 12, they all get full-time summer jobs, usually at fast-food joints,then work two hours at a job--sometimes on VanderSloot's ranch--each day afterschool. He has agreed to pay for college if they maintain a 3.0 average (twohad to drop out). Dad doesn't pay for their weddings; instead, he offers thebrides a set amount--he won't specify how much--to spend as they want."Tell 'em that and soon they say, ‘We can do without all those fancyflowers,'" he explains.
VanderSloot dabbles in politics. In 1999 he spent an undisclosed sum to sponsorbillboards around the state asking rhetorically whether taxpayer money shouldbe used to support It's Elementary, a public TV program exploring how fourschools dealt with homosexuality. Two years later he supported radio and TVspots knocking Morgan Stanley Dean Witter's Idaho Falls office because its NewYork headquarters had invited former President Clinton to speak at its bondconference. One of his favorite causes is Concerned Citizens for Family Values,which in 2002 paid for ads that helped defeat a defense lawyer--"Aliberal's liberal," says VanderSloot--running for state attorney general.
Most of his energy still goes into building the business. Melaleuca has pushedoverseas, with 25% of revenues coming from Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Australia, NewZealand and the U.K. Now he's selling services, too, including a Sprint callingplan and a dial-up Internet connection. (He's dropping discount travel since hecan't compete with the likes of Expedia.com.) The latest thing: home mortgages.Sell for Melaleuca for the next 30 years and you'll get a free burning party.