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ARIIX 香港产品价目表


110.010100 全衡营养素 Optimals53 99.93 84.94 69.95 774 658 545
102.010100 葡萄籽100 Vináli 30 49.93 42.44 34.95 387 329 270
103.010100 超级水果素 Rejuveniix 38 71.36 60.66 49.95 553 470 388
104.010100 辅酶 - 奥米加 Omega-Q 33 61.36 52.16 42.95 476 404 333
105.010100 活性辅酶 Biopro Q 45 85.65 72.80 59.95 664 564 465
106.010100 沸石净体素 Restoriix 52 99.93 84.94 69.95 779 662 545
107.010100 钙镁健骨 Magnical-D 25 51.36 43.65 35.95 399 339 279
200.020100 健怡餐 (蜜桃口味) PureNourish - Peach 25 55.07 46.81 38.55 405 344 299
250.020100 纤体滴 (消脂易及促纤益) Slenderiix & Xceler8 75 160 136 112 1,240 1,054 868
262.020100 倍净不锈钢水瓶 Puritii Stainless Steel Bottle2 10 46.21 39.27 32.34 357 305 250
261.020100 倍净耐用胶水瓶 Puritii Plastic Bottle2 7 31.36 26.65 21.95 242 206 170
263.020100 倍净滤芯 Puritii Filter 38 78.36 66.60 54.85 607 516 425
263.020101 倍净滤芯(两个装) Puritii Filter (Twin pack) 70 147.29 125.19 103.10 1,141 970 799
103.020100 超级水果素 Rejuveniix 40 73.54 62.51 51.48 570 485 399
262.020200 倍净不锈钢水瓶 Puritii Stainless Steel Bottle2 10 47.93 40.74 33.55 372 316 260
261.020200 倍净耐用胶水瓶 Puritii Plastic Bottle2 7 32.81 27.89 22.97 254 216 178
263.020200 倍净滤芯 Puritii Filter 38 81.47 69.25 57.03 631 537 442
263.020201 倍净滤芯(两个装) Puritii Filter (Twin pack) 70 153.00 130.05 107.10 1,186 1,008 830
销售工具 Sales Tools
倍净产品 (香港自取) Puritii Products (HK Supply)
营养产品 (香港自取) Nutritional Products (HK Supply)
倍净销售小册子(每包10份) Puritii Leaflet (Pack of 10)3 2
Products supplied by US will be charged in US dollars. Local currency is for reference only. Prices and volumes indicated in the ARIIX computer system shall be final.
× 入会时必须同时购买BOS业务发展系统壹套,价值29.95美元。
× During enrollment, member must purchase 1 set of BOS Business Orientation System at USD 29.95.
US Supply order & HK Supply order will be placed in two separate order forms. Credit card payment will be charged in USD. 1/2
Suite 3501, 35/F, Langham Place Office Tower, Mongkok, Kowloon
? 852 3974 9888 ? 852 3974 9899 ? hk@ariix.com
倍净产品 (美国邮寄) Puritii Products (US Supply) 1
营养产品 (美国邮寄) Nutritional Products (US Supply)1
ARIIX 香港产品价目表 ARIIX Hong Kong Product Price List
生效日期 : 2013年6月22日 Effective Date: June 22, 2013
3 小册子运费为每包2美元;如购满10包,运费将获豁免;只适用于香港及中国大陆地区。
3 The shipping fee of Product Leaflet is US$2 per pack. It will be wavied for order of 10. The wavier is only available for Hong Kong and Mainland China regions.
2 此产品属忠诚计划产品,含较低销售分数。请参考忠诚计划2012年12月更新版细则。
2 This is a product from Loyalty Plan, includes comparatively low sales volumn point. Please refer to the revised Loyalty Plan's terms and conditions from December 2012.
1 所有美国邮寄的产品均需付相等于订单总额百分之6的运费及手续费2美元,以每张订单计算。
1 A shipping charge (6% of the order amount) and a handling fee (US$2 per order) will apply to every order supplied by US.
上一篇:你知道,为什么ARIIX的钙镁健骨配方是最好的吗 下一篇:PureNourish健怡餐